Who says dreams don’t come true? Let’s manifest together.

Snezana Petrovic
3 min readJan 17, 2022

Manifesting things is not easy, but I promise it’s fun. It’s not a quick ride and it takes patience because it’s a long journey. For me, it was.

And remember -

Even when all signs point in the opposite direction, it takes courage to believe that things can work out.

Most importantly, you must take action. The moment you begin the process, which I unknowingly began with no knowledge of the word “manifestation,” opportunities start showing up, and you must make decisions and hop on that fast-moving train.

I believe it all started with a simple thought in my case

I remember watching the TV show “The Charmed Ones” when I was a kid, and when the intro song to the show featured the Golden Gate Bridge, I said, “I want to go there.”

That’s it. This plain yet powerful thought started the whole process.

There are no words to describe how badly I wanted it. Every day, I imagined that one day I would go. Actually, I was there already. It had happened long before it did. This is probably why my real experience still seems surreal to me. In retrospect, I feel as if I was in a coma that year, and everything was just an imaginary journey. Then I woke up and realized I was back where I had been all along.

In the beginning, I wrote a sentence that said: “Even when all signs point in the opposite direction, it takes courage to believe that things can work out.” You know what I am talking about. Let me elaborate on it more.

Visiting the U.S. is just a dream when you grow up in a village where your parents are struggling to make ends meet. Quite the fantasy. My parents would laugh at me whenever I mentioned my dream to them. They didn’t understand since they had given up their dreams. Plus, they knew they weren’t able to make my dream come true, so they laughed. And that’s okay. From this perspective, I completely understand them. They did not know, however, that their daughter refused to accept no as an answer.

I know that every step I took from that point to the moment I first found out about the program that gives you a full scholarship to spend a year with an American host family was simply perfectly calculated. Not by me. By something greater than me. All I did was listen and follow.

Are you ready to silence both internal and external voices that tell you your dreams are impossible?

However, there is a catch. You have to believe it wholeheartedly. You have to believe you deserve it. You have to act as if it were already happening. In other words, as if you’re already there or already have it. This is the first step. After that, action! It took me four rounds of testing to get to Indianapolis in 2011.

Don’t just think and hope. If you do only that, that’s what you’ll get. Hopes and thoughts. If you add action to your visualization, well, then you can expect magic to start manifesting right before your eyes.

This story is not for you if you do not believe in magic and if you do not believe that something greater than you is guiding you. I don’t have ten steps for you to follow, nor do I have any techniques to guide you. However, if you searched on the Internet, you could find them, I am sure. Read anything you can find on manifesting, gather all the information and inspiration, and then start doing.

I just need to tell you one more thing before I go.

It’s okay to put a deadline and work for it hard. However, great things take time. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t come true in 6 months as you wanted it to. Sometimes, it doesn’t work that way. Why? You’ll know when the right time comes why it didn’t work out then. You’ll get that “aha” moment. No worries.

Just be thankful, and most importantly, for God’s sake — TRUST.



Snezana Petrovic

Emotion-Driven Story Architect. Born and raised in Serbia. A-SMYLE 2011/2012 Alumni. A proud aunt of a 8 year old girl. Writing. Dancing. Learning. Traveling.